Important Preparation Tips for Last Minute to Crack the NDA Entrance Exam

NDA (National Defence Academy) is one of the prestigious Academies that belong to the Indian Armed Forces. The sole purpose of this academy is to recruit and train Young Officers in the Indian Armed Force for the hardcore battles and unnamed territories of India. Delhi Career Group is one of the most popular institutes famous for providing NDA coaching classes in Jaipurthey believe in to deliver quality teaching. They help the aspirants to learn shortcut keys and tricks which help to solve tricky questions. 


Delhi Career Group

Important Preparation tips for Last Minute to crack the NDA Entrance exam

1) Put marks on rock: It’s a wonder how constant friction by a rope can leave significant marks on something like a rock. The same law applies in real life, if you are consistency will something then it is destined to give output. Therefore, even if you are not very excellent in studies, studying daily will rip results for you.

If you are not already in a habit of daily study, then you better develop it as soon as possible. At home make a fixed timing to study daily; it will set a biological clock once you are habitual to it. It seems to be very difficult in starting, but after developing the habit it will automatically set the mood to study without struggling every day.

2) Challenge Yourself: Conquering challenges is the finest way to learn from life, the best of a person comes out when life throws rough challenges. Like, introducing new challenges while studying will help you improve your learning capabilities, and make you a pro.

Don’t just be limited to ordinary problems; extraordinary problems will make you extraordinary. If you are weak in any subject, then challenge yourself to master it, formulate different strategies, and make plans and most of all put wholehearted efforts. Conquering challenges is the finest way to learn from life, the best of a person comes out when life throws rough challenges. Like, introducing new challenges while studying will help you improve your learning capabilities, and make you a pro.

3) Learn to avoid: The world is full of amusements, and distractions (have got better these days with smartphones) and one who cannot avoid these distractions will never be able to achieve anything great. It’s necessary to learn to avoid things because addiction often comes as the biggest hurdle in achieving success.

Learn to avoid smartphones, partly invitations, TV or any other distraction while studying. Even your household task should not interrupt your study hours.

4) Time Management: In the modern era, the art of time management is very crucial for students. Giving most of the time to tuition, coaching and school/college, leaves them with almost no time for self-study.

But it is life, and you need to crave some time out from this busy schedule. Learning how to manage time will give an extra hour in the day.

5) Practice previous year’s Papers: Unlike your school exams, the written exam of NDA doesn’t change much. Over the years few changes have been made in the pattern of the paper. In some cases, even the language of the question remains the same, just the values changes.

Solving NDA previous year papers is like looking back I the time to see what kind of questions are asked in the exam. It is highly recommended that after completing the syllabus, aspirants should go through the last 10 years papers at least one.

8 Effective Steps Blow NDA Written Exam in 1st Attempt

National Defence Academy (NDA) Exam is one of the difficult and toughest exams for defence. A good deal of hard work and dedication is required to clear the NDA exam in the first step and Delhi Career Group helps the students to clear the NDA exam in the first attempt by giving the best NDA Entrance Exam coaching Classes in Jaipur. Delhi Career Group well - known for providing NDA Coaching in Jaipur. Apart from above here we guide you with some basic steps which you can follow to clear the NDA exam in the first attempt.


8 Effective Steps Blow NDA Written Exam in 1st Attempt

1) Planning

Planning is a key element to achieve a big goal on time. Planning helps to forecast and because of planning, we get an idea of how will we complete or do the work. So, at the time of preparation, it is a must to make a proper plan because it helps in achieving the work or syllabus on time.

2) Learn Short Tricks

Instead of learning the formulas and method, make a list of shortcuts and tricks, to solve the tricky questions or some questions may entirely eat up your time, Delhi Career Group helps students to learn shortcut keys in their NDA Coaching classes in Jaipur.

3) Last year’s Papers

To start your practice, take out the past NDA papers and solve them. If you are done with last year's question papers, start solving the NDA sample papers.

4) Consider NDA Books

Use NDA exam books available in the market for the preparation of the NDA Exam. Those books are easily solved in a month and help to learn more from that.

5) Clear your Basics

From the books of 10tth and 12th learn the methods, formulas, and calculations. Before going to bed, learn or repeat the formulas daily.

6) Manage your Time

If the persons want to prepare themselves for the NDA exam they should manage their time according to the syllabus. It helps them to prepare or complete their syllabus on time according to their plan. It also helps in the removal of time wastage and you can also revise the syllabus too.

7) Current Affairs & Gk

The best way to update you is to read the newspaper each and every day. It is also possible for you to make notes from a newspaper or cut the part of the newspaper which is important and going to help you. If you focus on current affairs your GK will automatically improve. Some sources like YouTube, social media, etc will help for current affairs.

8) Always Attempt the Easier First

Always attempt the less exhaustive and easier (less time consuming) portion firstly. Example of NDA attempt General awareness and English first and then Math. But do not try to finish the entire portion in one go. If you can’t answer something, just go ahead and do the next one, don’t waste time on the one question.

Common Mistake Students Should Avoid While Preparing for SSC Exams at Home?

The notification for SSC CGL 2018 is out and several aspirants have already started to prepare in full swing for the exam. Delhi Career Group has been helping SSC aspirants by providing them SSC Preparation tips that what should they avoid while preparing for SSC exam.

1. Not Knowing the Exam Pattern and Syllabus Well Before

Many aspirants jump into the preparation by joining a coaching institute and rely on the topics that are covered by the institute. It is only when they start practicing SSC mock tests that they understand that their preparation is not enough for the exam. Preparation should be started by first understanding the exam syllabus and studying the cut-offs for previous years. Rehearsal few last year papers and see how you score in them to get an understanding of how you need to start preparing.

2. Ignoring the Technical Aspects of the Exam

Aspirants must familiarize themselves with the technical aspects of online exam system. Practicing on pen and paper and with books can definitely help you master the concepts and speed but don't wait till the exam day to attempt test in Online coaching classes. You must practice as many online mock tests as possible to get familiar with the interface and Online coaching classes’ experience.

3. Preparing for Multiple Exams Simultaneously

Many aspirants prepare for SSC CGL /banking and other exams simultaneously. Please note that each exam has a different way to assess the aspirants. Some exams are more logical, some are concept oriented, and some are practice oriented. Additionally, these exams happen in multiple tiers/phases and you should be working on not only the next phase but at least for the phase after that too. So, you should choose your exam preferences and priorities carefully.

4. Referring to too Many Books/Sources

You have to be specific with the Best Study material for SSC CGL Exams. You should avoid referring too many books or SSC study material or online platforms. Stick to the resources of your choice and be thorough with them. Conversation to students who have cleared these exams and they'll advise you the same thing.

5. Not Planning your Studies in Advance

Planning is one step which can save you not only from wasting your time but will also help you make careful use of it. Aspirants have only few days for tier 1 exam. You should make appropriate strategy, Daily Routine and study plan which covers all topics. Steady repetition of tests and quizzes should be a part of your Daily Routine.

6. Not Giving due Preference to all Subjects

Don't fall in the trap of aiming 'only' on your strengths. While it is significant to take full benefit of score in your strong areas, it is equally key to be strong in all subjects. The cut-off for SSC exam last year for very high and it is expected that competition will be higher this year. Each subject carries equal marks and can be potentially very scoring.

7. Relying only on Short Tricks

While SSC is known for not changing the pattern and even repeating the questions in certain exams. You must learn the basics as well as short tricks instead of relying only on shortcut approaches. This will help you apply your concepts in case there are any variations in the question.

8. Not Making Notes

Especially for subjects like general studies, it is super important to revise the best study material regularly. You should make short notes on them, so that you can easily revise them regularly and before the exam.

Defence Wing | Shining Star Delhi Career Group

How do I Prepare for the ICAR - AIEEA - UG Stream Examination?

The best time to start preparing for ICAR AIEEA exam is now. No matter when you expect to sit for the AIEEA UG Exam, it is never too early to begin preparations for the same. And never, ever, think it is ‘too late’ to prepare for an exam, either. There can be help available, or there can always be a next time or another exam taking you to great success. So, the best time to start preparing for the AIEEA UG Exam is now. Prepare to excel – and let us see, some Preparation tips for ICAR AIEEA exam.



ICAR Coaching in Chandigarh

Find out about the examination

The first step is to find out all you need to know about the examination.

  • The full form of AIEEA UG.
  • What it deals with.
  • Where it can reach you.
  • Eligibility criteria.
  • Subjects involved.
  • Syllabus.
  • Date, Time, Venue.
  • Best study material for ICAR Exam and where it can be got from.
  • ICAR AIEEA last year Question papers-pattern, Format and Time allowed for answering.

These are some of the basic things that one must know before beginning to prepare for the AIEEA UG – or any exam, for that matter.

Hone your Linguistic Skills

Many times, we do not have much choice when it comes to the language the Questions are set, and their Answers are expected and accepted, in. 

The language/s may or may not be our mother tongue/s.

In such cases, we need to see how well we know the language/s in which we are expected to answer the exam in concern.

In which language you answer the AIEEA UG Exam? How well do you know that language?

Would you be answering the Exam in English? This is the most preferred language of the world.

In case it is English you have to use, how good is your English? This is a vital question; because until and unless you know a language well enough, it can get very difficult for you to understand it and express yourself successfully in exam.

Please check, as early as possible, how good your English is. If you think you can use some help regarding communicating in the language, you can always seek customized help with your English.  There are various ways of improving your English like joining best ICAR AIEEA Coaching classes in Chandigarh, one can adopt that suits you best, at your earliest.

Once you are confident about your language, it is almost like you have won half the battle, already.

Create a Study Plan

You cannot go on studying all day. Note down time table when you plan to study daily, and follow that plan.

Also note:

  • Daily Chores’ Time.
  • Break Time.
  • Unexpectedly Used-up Time.

The time that remains has to be devoted to exam preparation. Be totally serious about that.

Get all ICAR Study Material ready for use

It is always better to have all the books, notes etc. you need, ready with you before you begin to study. Not finding an important book or note right in the mid of your exam preparation can feel extremely frustrating.

Set extra time aside for Revision

Studying once and for all is not enough for most of us. That is why we need revisions. The more, the better. 

It is a good idea to set some time aside for revisions – daily.

This way, it gets very difficult for you to forget things. You are constantly in touch with almost all the chapters of all the subjects concerned.

  • Revise either at the end of the day, or the beginning of it.
  • Touch those subjects that you find the most difficult, first.
  • Try to revise as many subjects / topics as you can, every day.

Test Your Exam Preparation

  • Check, whenever possible, how solid your exam preparation is.
  • Take Mock Tests.
  • Get all doubts clarified.
  • Do ‘Corrections’. This means, note or write down the correct answers clearly; so that you do not repeat the mistake/s ever.

Most important Say “NO” to Distractions

Distractions can be both attractive and irritating.

Attractive: because they are tough to resist.

Irritating: because they eat into your time and creep into your thoughts.

Say “NO” to them.

  • If it is the TV that distracts you, sit in a room where you do not have one.
  • If it is the phone, switch it off and keep it away from you. Keep it with your parent/teacher if possible. That way, you would hesitate to keep on asking him/her for it, every time you felt distracted thinking about it.
  • If friends distract you, tell them politely but firmly that you can interact with them only during the Leisure Time that your Routine has allowed you.

Eat Healthy

Make it a point to eat healthy. Always. Especially before and during exams. Consult your doctor, if need be.

Take care of your Health

Take care of your general health. That should contain

  • Regular, basic hygiene.
  • Eyes
  • Teeth cleanliness
  • Skin care

Avoid Risks

Avoiding risks is vital. Always and especially before and during exams. 

Draw information and knowledge

You could be amazed by the sources of information and knowledge that you might be having all around you. Draw all knowledge you can, from them. You never know where you might get to use them to gain points or marks!

If you continue to be sincere and regular regarding your AIEEA UG Exam preparation, you can be confident about doing well in it. If need be, you can seek the help of special ICAR Coaching classes in Chandigarh or tutors, too, for expert guidance.

Know your strengths. Overcome your weaknesses, if any. Know the right source of knowledge and guidance and be sincere about your efforts. 

We wish you Good Luck for your AIEEA UG Examination

Are Coaching Classes Important To Do Well In Exams?

On the off chance that you are going to pick NDA as your career objective, at that point you are in the correct way. The greater part of your needs to join barrier in the wake of finishing studies and NDA is the most ideal route for the section in the officer level.
NDA is the portal to each of the three wings of safeguard of military of our country. NDA is the National Defense Academy, which grooms youngsters to serve India and barrier the nation from dangers.

It is difficult to break the NDA Entrance exam. Aspirants require heaps of diligent work and in addition self-study. A large portion of the understudies plan for the exam at NDA Coaching Institute in Chandigarh. There are loads of NDA Coaching classes in Chandīgarh, Mohali and Panchkula. The understudies can investigate them with demo classes and after that waitlist their preferred instructing as indicated by their inclination and start the arrangement of NDA.

In a large number of the training organizations, there is decision of here and now or long haul courses for the understudies to pick, contingent on their prerequisite of the span obviously.


Sound condition for ponder

Best NDA Coaching In Chandigarh establishments give a solid situation to ponder alongside skilled personnel for the understudies. They additionally offer investigation materials that contains itemized points from the syllabus of the selection test. The point of these training foundations is to clear the nuts and bolts of the NDA competitors, in order to give them the learning of each subject which is assigned for the NDA exam.

Organized mock tests are favorable

The deride test orchestrated by these instructing establishments inside a figured recurrence s accommodating for the understudies as they can evaluate their execution. On the premise on the appraisal done through the deride tests, the understudies can enhance their execution further and plan better for the exam. The guides at the instructing focuses arrange question session for understudies keeping in mind the end goal to clear their questions specifically subjects.

Give better direction to understudies

In few cases understudies have the information of the subjects however don't have much thought of illuminating inquiries in NDA exam or how much time to spend for an inquiry. On the off chance that understudies are investing more energy in single inquiry then they won't have the capacity to complete the exam in the designated time. Time administration is a standout amongst the most essential highlights of these instructing foundations. They educate the understudies of legitimately utilizing the time amid exam and additionally amid the arrangement of exam.

Guest Lectures

Once in a while, guest lectures are directed by these training foundations for the understudies. They welcome and bring distinctive resigned officers or resistance faculty for visitor addresses and these individuals share their encounters with the hopefuls and they feel roused.

Joining resistance isn't simple yet it isn't exceptionally extreme as well. On the off chance that you have chosen your objective as NDA then you should start getting ready early. You require a lot of training and diligent work as this is the key for accomplishing this objective. And furthermore you have to scan and join NDA Coaching Institute in Chandigarh for idealize arrangement.

Apart from this students are preparing for any other competitive exam like All India, central and state level exam, Delhi career Group has established landmark in the field of all exams. DCG established in 2006 for providing affordable education services to students. DCG is also called as success builders for SSC Coaching in Chandigarh.

NDA 2018 Promotion, Salary, Allowances, retirement, and Other Benefits

Well, it’s a matter of great pride for the individual who is seeking their career in defence. Things become more impressive when one is doing a job in such a prestigious sector.

Do you know this is the only sector who provide during and after services benefits? So if you also applying for this job and keen to know about that salary, promotion, training and other benefits of this sector here we have detailed study for you.

Well, there is also a good news for the job seeker that 7th pay commission has improved the salary structure as compared to the early year. But yet it has not been implemented but still, the structure is attractive for the aspirants to fight for the exam.

NDA 2018 Promotion


Students after clearing NDA Entrance exam goes to National Defence Academy. There onwards they appoint as Lieutenant Position and further promotions are as follow:

• Lieutenant
• Captain
• Major
• LT Colonel
• Colonel
• Brigadier
• Major General

 NDA 2018 Salary

Rank Pay Bands/Scale
Lieutenant 15600-39100
Captain 15600-39100
Major 15600-39100
LT Colonel 37400-67000
Colonel 37400-67000
Brigadier 37400-67000
Major General 37400-67000

 Defence is the only sector that provides a salary of Rs.21000/- p.m. and after completing training candidates gets Rs.55000/- p.m. as a starting pay inclusive of all allowance.

 NDA 2018 Allowances

Dearness Allowance- it includes kit maintenance allowances of Rs.400/- p.m.
Field Area Allowance- Field Area Allowance is permissible at the rate of Rs.6,780/- to 8,400/- p.m. Compensatory Field Area Allowance at the rate of Rs.4,200/- to 5,200/- p.m. and Compensatory Modified Field Area Allowance at the rate of Rs.1,600/ to 2,000/- p.m.
Uniform Allowance- Initial allowance for one-time kit @ Rs.14,000/- and Rs.3,000/- for every three years.

Transport Allowance- officers get Rs3200/= plus dearness allowance per month for traveling in A-1or A class cities.

For other cities, traveling cost of Rs1600 plus DA is admissible to officers.


NDA officer will be permissible for the pension casualty pensionary award, gratuity, consistent with the effective rules every so often.

 So to enjoy the well-repudiated job of high scale with a number of benefits you can join NDA coaching classes in Chandigarh at Delhi career Group. DCG is the only group who is a well-known name in NDA coaching. We have a record of 100% success for all the hopefuls. We serve the students through online and offline coaching methods.

How to Find Way the Best NDA Coaching Center in Chandigarh?

National  Defence  Academy  is  located  Khadakwasla , Pune cadets  join after  10 +2 Exam on passing the UPSC Exam and SSB Interview . NDA Trains cadets of Army , Air Force , and Navy  for three years  before  they go on to their respective service academies for the Pre – commission training of one year . AT the time of passing out of NDA the cadets are awarded a Graduation degree from JNU. Besides education emphasis is laid on physical fitness, discipline, character building, esprit-de-crops, and leadership. The Academic year is divided into two semesters i. e.  Spring (Jan to May) and Autumn (Jul to Dec). The cadet undergoes a total of Six Semester training in the three - year training period. Various students for completely different states of Asian country area unit coming back to NDA Coaching in Chandigarh.


There are a unit range of employment center in Chandigarh United Nations agency give the NDA Examination employment. The most questions arise after we consider employment is that institution is that the best for NDA employment. It is really on the candidate that institution is appropriate for him / her. You’ll be able to range to sector thirty four in Chandigarh. There is a unit variant institution in these sector. You’ll be able to in person go and raise your queries relating to the employment and you’ll be able to additionally attend demo category for additional clearance. When visiting to the institute it’s straight forward to seek out that institute is that the best for you and different choice is net.

DELHI CAREER GROUP” is a most famous and prestigious coaching center for NDA coaching. It gave wings to thousand of student to fulfill their dreams.

We believe that every success depends upon a good planning and thus, we lay special emphasis on study material, mock tests, question banks and online / offline tests.