Common Mistake Students Should Avoid While Preparing for SSC Exams at Home?

The notification for SSC CGL 2018 is out and several aspirants have already started to prepare in full swing for the exam. Delhi Career Group has been helping SSC aspirants by providing them SSC Preparation tips that what should they avoid while preparing for SSC exam.

1. Not Knowing the Exam Pattern and Syllabus Well Before

Many aspirants jump into the preparation by joining a coaching institute and rely on the topics that are covered by the institute. It is only when they start practicing SSC mock tests that they understand that their preparation is not enough for the exam. Preparation should be started by first understanding the exam syllabus and studying the cut-offs for previous years. Rehearsal few last year papers and see how you score in them to get an understanding of how you need to start preparing.

2. Ignoring the Technical Aspects of the Exam

Aspirants must familiarize themselves with the technical aspects of online exam system. Practicing on pen and paper and with books can definitely help you master the concepts and speed but don't wait till the exam day to attempt test in Online coaching classes. You must practice as many online mock tests as possible to get familiar with the interface and Online coaching classes’ experience.

3. Preparing for Multiple Exams Simultaneously

Many aspirants prepare for SSC CGL /banking and other exams simultaneously. Please note that each exam has a different way to assess the aspirants. Some exams are more logical, some are concept oriented, and some are practice oriented. Additionally, these exams happen in multiple tiers/phases and you should be working on not only the next phase but at least for the phase after that too. So, you should choose your exam preferences and priorities carefully.

4. Referring to too Many Books/Sources

You have to be specific with the Best Study material for SSC CGL Exams. You should avoid referring too many books or SSC study material or online platforms. Stick to the resources of your choice and be thorough with them. Conversation to students who have cleared these exams and they'll advise you the same thing.

5. Not Planning your Studies in Advance

Planning is one step which can save you not only from wasting your time but will also help you make careful use of it. Aspirants have only few days for tier 1 exam. You should make appropriate strategy, Daily Routine and study plan which covers all topics. Steady repetition of tests and quizzes should be a part of your Daily Routine.

6. Not Giving due Preference to all Subjects

Don't fall in the trap of aiming 'only' on your strengths. While it is significant to take full benefit of score in your strong areas, it is equally key to be strong in all subjects. The cut-off for SSC exam last year for very high and it is expected that competition will be higher this year. Each subject carries equal marks and can be potentially very scoring.

7. Relying only on Short Tricks

While SSC is known for not changing the pattern and even repeating the questions in certain exams. You must learn the basics as well as short tricks instead of relying only on shortcut approaches. This will help you apply your concepts in case there are any variations in the question.

8. Not Making Notes

Especially for subjects like general studies, it is super important to revise the best study material regularly. You should make short notes on them, so that you can easily revise them regularly and before the exam.

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