How do I Prepare for the ICAR - AIEEA - UG Stream Examination?

The best time to start preparing for ICAR AIEEA exam is now. No matter when you expect to sit for the AIEEA UG Exam, it is never too early to begin preparations for the same. And never, ever, think it is ‘too late’ to prepare for an exam, either. There can be help available, or there can always be a next time or another exam taking you to great success. So, the best time to start preparing for the AIEEA UG Exam is now. Prepare to excel – and let us see, some Preparation tips for ICAR AIEEA exam.



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Find out about the examination

The first step is to find out all you need to know about the examination.

  • The full form of AIEEA UG.
  • What it deals with.
  • Where it can reach you.
  • Eligibility criteria.
  • Subjects involved.
  • Syllabus.
  • Date, Time, Venue.
  • Best study material for ICAR Exam and where it can be got from.
  • ICAR AIEEA last year Question papers-pattern, Format and Time allowed for answering.

These are some of the basic things that one must know before beginning to prepare for the AIEEA UG – or any exam, for that matter.

Hone your Linguistic Skills

Many times, we do not have much choice when it comes to the language the Questions are set, and their Answers are expected and accepted, in. 

The language/s may or may not be our mother tongue/s.

In such cases, we need to see how well we know the language/s in which we are expected to answer the exam in concern.

In which language you answer the AIEEA UG Exam? How well do you know that language?

Would you be answering the Exam in English? This is the most preferred language of the world.

In case it is English you have to use, how good is your English? This is a vital question; because until and unless you know a language well enough, it can get very difficult for you to understand it and express yourself successfully in exam.

Please check, as early as possible, how good your English is. If you think you can use some help regarding communicating in the language, you can always seek customized help with your English.  There are various ways of improving your English like joining best ICAR AIEEA Coaching classes in Chandigarh, one can adopt that suits you best, at your earliest.

Once you are confident about your language, it is almost like you have won half the battle, already.

Create a Study Plan

You cannot go on studying all day. Note down time table when you plan to study daily, and follow that plan.

Also note:

  • Daily Chores’ Time.
  • Break Time.
  • Unexpectedly Used-up Time.

The time that remains has to be devoted to exam preparation. Be totally serious about that.

Get all ICAR Study Material ready for use

It is always better to have all the books, notes etc. you need, ready with you before you begin to study. Not finding an important book or note right in the mid of your exam preparation can feel extremely frustrating.

Set extra time aside for Revision

Studying once and for all is not enough for most of us. That is why we need revisions. The more, the better. 

It is a good idea to set some time aside for revisions – daily.

This way, it gets very difficult for you to forget things. You are constantly in touch with almost all the chapters of all the subjects concerned.

  • Revise either at the end of the day, or the beginning of it.
  • Touch those subjects that you find the most difficult, first.
  • Try to revise as many subjects / topics as you can, every day.

Test Your Exam Preparation

  • Check, whenever possible, how solid your exam preparation is.
  • Take Mock Tests.
  • Get all doubts clarified.
  • Do ‘Corrections’. This means, note or write down the correct answers clearly; so that you do not repeat the mistake/s ever.

Most important Say “NO” to Distractions

Distractions can be both attractive and irritating.

Attractive: because they are tough to resist.

Irritating: because they eat into your time and creep into your thoughts.

Say “NO” to them.

  • If it is the TV that distracts you, sit in a room where you do not have one.
  • If it is the phone, switch it off and keep it away from you. Keep it with your parent/teacher if possible. That way, you would hesitate to keep on asking him/her for it, every time you felt distracted thinking about it.
  • If friends distract you, tell them politely but firmly that you can interact with them only during the Leisure Time that your Routine has allowed you.

Eat Healthy

Make it a point to eat healthy. Always. Especially before and during exams. Consult your doctor, if need be.

Take care of your Health

Take care of your general health. That should contain

  • Regular, basic hygiene.
  • Eyes
  • Teeth cleanliness
  • Skin care

Avoid Risks

Avoiding risks is vital. Always and especially before and during exams. 

Draw information and knowledge

You could be amazed by the sources of information and knowledge that you might be having all around you. Draw all knowledge you can, from them. You never know where you might get to use them to gain points or marks!

If you continue to be sincere and regular regarding your AIEEA UG Exam preparation, you can be confident about doing well in it. If need be, you can seek the help of special ICAR Coaching classes in Chandigarh or tutors, too, for expert guidance.

Know your strengths. Overcome your weaknesses, if any. Know the right source of knowledge and guidance and be sincere about your efforts. 

We wish you Good Luck for your AIEEA UG Examination